Our History
Guildford Flower Club was founded in 1955 by a group of ladies interested in flower arranging - Mary Lyons being one of the original founders. It was one of the earliest flower clubs in Surrey, being in existence before NAFAS (The National Association of Flower Arrangement Societies) was formed, and it operated with help by being affiliated to the RHS (Royal Horticultural Society).
During the last 70 years we have had flower shows, been involved with Surrey area and neighbouring club shows.
We are a friendly and flourishing club with monthly meetings and demonstrations attended by members and guests.
Guildford Flower club encourages learning by holding workshops during the year to learn new techniques or to refresh skills.
New members are always welcome.
Monthly Meetings are held on the first Wednesday each month @ 7.30pm.
Venue:- Jacobs Well Village Hall, Jacobs Well Road, Guildford GU4 7PD.
Annual Subscription - Full Membership £60 - Payable in March
New members joining after June pro rata
Visitors - £8 per meeting.
Club Competition Marking Explained
They say there's nothing wrong with a bit of competition and we agree!! It's a great way to learn more and develop your skills. Competitors are divided into four classes; Novice, Intermediate, Advanced and Senior Advanced. For every place a competitor achieves points are awarded, a competitor must achieve a certain number of points before moving up to the next class. Below is an explanation of the points system:
For all classes:
1st Place - 5 points
2nd Place - 4 points
3rd Place - 3 points
Highly Commended - 2 points
Commended - 1 point
To move from:
Novice to Intermediate: 30 points
Intermediate to Advanced: 40 points
Advanced to Senior Advanced: 50 points
So you see it's as simple as that, all club members start in Novice class and everyone is encouraged to participate as much as possible in the competitions (although it's not compulsory). All entries must be staged between 6:45pm and 7:10pm.Our President Pam Hawes judges the competition entries.
It's really fun and a great way to develop skills as a flower arranger, so go on, have-a-go, you might be in Senior Advanced before you know it!
Click on the Gallery drop down menu to view a few of the previous competition entries in our monthly competitions.
Club Officers
President: Pam Hawes
Pam has worked hard for the club and is always willing to help out. She has also represented the club on several occasions with intersociety competition exhibits. With her wealth of experience she now judges our monthly competitions.
Vice President: Robert Grimmond
Robert has always been an enthusiastic member of the club and is always willing to help out when we need some sort of construction work. He and his wife Linda have often given us the use of their beautiful garden so that we can hold our annual Open Garden Event.
Chairman: Cynthia Bromwich
Cynthia is now in her 11th year as chairman. She is a very efficient chairman and runs the club very well with the help and support of all in the club. She takes regular classes to help members who enter the monthly competitions. She always has a smile on her face and is happy to chat to everyone about all aspects of the club. Cynthia distributes the Flower Arranger magazine (the quarterly publication especially for flower arrangers).
Secretary: Sally Harrison
Sally has been a member of the club for 41 years.
She deals with all the correspondence for the Club and produces the monthly Newsletter.
Treasurer: Brenda Fox
Brenda greets everyone at the door, asking them to sign in for health and safety, she looks after all our finances and collects membership fees etc.
Programme Secretary: Shirley Dawe
Shirley puts together the Club's annual programme; together with the rest of the Committee, she thinks of titles for the Club's monthly competitions, books the Demonstrators, and helps on the Plant Stall.
Committee Member: Linda Mumford
Linda is a valued committee member. She operates the sound system at our meetings and also keeps our archive scrap books.
Committee Member: Helen Kirkby
Helen has joined the committee this year. She ensures the Club competitions run smoothly.
Committee Member: Sarah Robinson
Sarah has also joined the committee this year. She ensures the website is up to date and promotes the club in local publications.
The Committee are all here to help.
If anyone feels able to help us in any way we are very pleased to know, especially with the monthly tea rota and the vote of thanks.
We are always looking for fundraising ideas so do let us know if you have any,